Potency issues in men can occur at any age, not just those over 50. Any failures and irregularities in the sexual sphere by men, masculinity or gender bring other negative changes: a lack of confidence in yourself and your strengths, a bad mood, decreased immunity and worsening overall health.

Let's see which of the most effective methods official and traditional medicine offer to restore male potency.
Reasons for Male Potency Decline
Usually, the main causes of problems in the male genital area are diseases of the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems. Other reasons for reduced potency may be the following factors:
- Endocrine system disorders and hormonal imbalances;
- bad habits;
- A sedentary lifestyle and closely related pelvic congestion;
- excess weight;
- Inflammatory processes and infections;
- Unfavourable working conditions and family emotional status;
- Apathy, depression, bad mood;
- frequent stress;
- mental and physical overwork;
- Nervous system work disorders;
- lack of nutrition due to nutritional imbalance;
- take certain medicines.
important! Only a doctor can determine the cause of problems in the genital area. For this, it is necessary to carry out inspections, a series of tests and tests. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact dynamics that led to the breach, and it is difficult to choose remedies to restore effectiveness.
Among the most common ways to return to patriarchy, it is worth noting that:
- Restoration of potency with the help of synthetic and natural medicines;
- using folk recipes;
- Others include gymnastics, normalizing nutrition, and breaking bad habits.
Let's look at each of these methods of restoring potency in detail.
important! Don't think that just one pill or folk recipe of your choice can do wonders: quick return of potency in just a few days. This is a lengthy process that requires a regular and integrated approach.
Even after chemical reduction, it is a process, the result of which: a particle (atom, ion or molecule) accepts one or more electrons; any atom in this male potency particle is less oxidized, so it is necessary toLive a healthy lifestyle, boost your immune system in every possible way, and take other precautions to prevent disorders and malfunctions in your body.
Today, there are many drugs that restore potency. They can all be divided into groups according to their role:
- Improve immunity and overall tone of the body;
- Improve blood circulation;
- relieve inflammation;
- stimulate the occurrence of an erection;
- Soothing and relaxing.
All drugs used to restore potency (lat. potentia - chance), in terms of their appearance, in medicine - the ability of the male body to perform sexual intercourse can be classified as:
- synthetic drugs;
- Herbal products and dietary supplements.
All means help to increase blood flow to the penis, resulting in an erection in the presence of external stimulation.
But each drug has its own characteristics of use, contraindications and possible side effects. It is not recommended to use such funds without consulting an expert.
You can also use various dietary supplements to increase potency, tonic and healing effects on the body, restoring self-confidence and male strength. Like homeopathy, dietary supplements are mostly natural ingredients.
important! It is not recommended to take any medications or dietary supplements without consulting a specialist. Self-medication can lead to poor health and other negative consequences.
folk recipes
Like many years ago, men today often use folk remedies at home to restore potency.
There are many recipes, but the most popular and effective are:
- Use ginger root tincture or powder. Also, this plant can be eaten fresh, with drinks and food. Ginger root strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in living organisms, it has a range of properties that distinguish it from inanimate substances, including metabolism, self-sustainment of its structure and tissues, ability to reproduce when they are, increased potency and vitality rechargeAppearance.
- Take aphrodisiacs. Regular use of these products can help increase libido, prolong intercourse, and get rid of other sexual problems. Green vegetables (cilantro, parsley, celery, dill), seafood, citrus fruits, honey, eggs and quail eggs, onions, garlic, mushrooms, squash and sunflower seeds are considered the best aphrodisiacs.
- Use acanthopanax and ginseng tincture. These plants help boost the immune system, improve stamina and performance, counteract the effects of stress and restore potency.
- Decoctions of medicinal herbs and herbal preparations. St. John's wort, lemon balm, hawthorn, calendula, nettle, sage, thyme, and many other plants are great for men.
Other ways to restore potency
Among other methods of restoring male potency, folk remedies for men or gender, and with the help of modern medicine, special attention should be given to the following:
- hardening. Watering with cold water, contrasting showers, sunbathing and other types of hardening have a beneficial effect on the body's tone. A living body possesses a set of properties that distinguish it from inanimate matter, including metabolism, the self-sustainment and organization of its structure, the ability to replicate them when improving endurance, improving blood circulation, the functioning of the nervous and hormonal systems, and imparting vitality. It is important to remember that it is necessary to start this type of training gradually and taking into account your personal characteristics.
- Visit the baths and sauna. The positive effects of this procedure on the human body have been known since ancient times. It must be remembered that there are many contraindications to visiting saunas and baths.
- Special physical exercise to restore potency. Participating in sports can help restore size and vitality in men of any age. But specific movements that affect the muscles in the pelvic area can also increase potency.
- A vacuum method for potency recovery. This approach involves the use of special equipment in the clinic and at home. But such procedures should only be performed after consulting a doctor, as they have contraindications.
Of course, none of these methods will have the desired effect if you don't change your lifestyle and solve the problem in a sophisticated way. Therefore, in order to prevent disease in the body and restore male potency, experts recommend observing the following rules:
- reject bad habits;
- have sex regularly
- loyal to a partner;
- sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
- Try to avoid stress and overwork (physical and mental);
- Balanced diet;
- moderate exercise;
- Make a preventive visit to a urologist and treat inflammation and infection promptly.
in conclusion
As you can see, there are many ways to restore potency at home. Don't wait until problems in the sex realm become serious. You should always take care of your health, try to take care of your body and live a healthy lifestyle. In this case, you don't need medication to restore potency, even in old age.
- Honey is very useful for enhancing male strength and is known as a powerful aphrodisiac. Paired with red wine, it is especially attractive to men. It is necessary to mix wine, honey, and aloe vera juice in a ratio of 3: 2: 1, and add a little coriander seed. The resulting mixture was left for 12 days. Drinking carrot juice with honey and/or ginger also works well. The triple combination—nuts, honey, and aloe vera—is the most effective, tried-and-true folk remedy for erectile function. 500 grams of nuts should be mixed with 300 grams of honey and 100 ml of aloe vera juice. Use 30 grams of the resulting mixture before meals.
- Red wine-based syrups are very popular - a mulled wine for potency. To make this drink, you will add granulated sugar (1 tablespoon) to a mixture of dried apricots, plums, raisins (100 g each) and seasoning (cinnamon, cardamom or cloves). Pour in the red wine and simmer for an hour on low heat. It is recommended to use immediately before sexual intercourse or before dinner.
- Honey application helps increase potency. Honey (200 g) is diluted in a warm water. A napkin soaked in this mixture must be applied to the base of the penis, preferably twice a day for 10 minutes.
- A very old and forgotten method of prolonging an erection is mustard cream, which must be applied to the feet. But why feet? Mustard causes blood to flow from the feet to the genitals and increases potency.
It should not be forgotten that many foods eaten daily contain substances in small doses that can increase testosterone production and thus increase potency. A constant presence in your diet of melon, onion, squash, parsley, nuts, cottage cheese, garlic, dill, and cumin will significantly enrich your sex life.
Phytotherapy and Male Strength
To the question of how to increase potency through folk remedies, herbal remedies give exhaustive answers:
- Ref. Homemade "Love Root" decoction is as effective as a variety of medicinal preparations, including this magical plant. Ginseng root (100 grams) insists on 0. 5 liters of water for two days. The mixture must then be simmered over low heat for about four hours, gradually adding a tablespoon of honey and cinnamon. It is necessary to take 100 grams of this decoction after meals.
- thyme. Thyme infusions are easier and faster to prepare. Grass silk (100 grams) insist on using 200 grams of boiled water to room temperature.
- Calamus root. The recommended use of calamus is less potent. You can chew small pieces of calamus root like chewing gum, but no more than 3 times a day. Usually, calamus is used as a decoction.
- Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik tinctures are very popular in folk herbal medicine (5 tablespoons of grass per liter of water for 2 days).
Nettle is a genus of flowering plants in the Urtaceae family. Nettle's potency for men is an integral folk remedy, and it's part of many mixtures and tinctures that can be prepared at home.
Here are some of the components:
- Nettle water tincture: Nettle leaves (one tablespoon) in a cup of boiling water, boil for 15-25 minutes and strain. Best eaten before meals;
- The potency of nettle is often used as part of herbal preparations. For example, nettle, peppermint, St. John's wort, and clover are kept in boiling water in a 1: 1: 1: 1 ratio for about an hour. Take several times a day;
- Mashable nettle seeds, wine and honey also help increase libido. Also, do not forget the leaves of the nettle, a fresh flowering plant in the Urtica family (Utica). Eggs with nettle leaves, flowering plants of the genus Urtica (Utica) and small onions in salad form help to adjust potency (Latin potentia - chance) at any time of the day, in medicine - of the bodythe ability to have sexual intercourse in a loving manner;
- Nettle seeds and chopped bananas are another option for male strength folk remedies.
Treatment with decoctions and tinctures is usually a course of 10 to 30 days. It should be noted that the presence of allergies to certain botanical stimulants should be taken into account when using herbal tinctures and decoctions.
primitive folk remedy
- "The Laurel Bath". Infuse bay leaves (50 g / 1 liter boiling water) into a warm bath and enjoy the process for about 15-30 minutes.
- "Ice" or "ice torture". Chopped ice cubes, wrapped in 5 layers of gauze. Alternately perform this compression on the neck, chest, and scrotum. Hold each point for 1 minute. Repeat 3-5 times.
At first glance, the recipe above may not seem like enough. No doubt there are many of them, but you need to choose "your own". Usually, using one of the listed folk tips, you can confidently deal with male weakness and increase erectile function. An indispensable aid to attaining great efficacy is, of course, love. Love and Patriarchy!